
Nusa Tabukan in Sangihe Islands Regency is a cluster of small
 islands at the outer teritorry, consist of four islands that located
 in the northern part on Sangihe Island.The aims of this research
 were to identify potential tourist attractions, analyzing internal
 and external factors, and formulating proper marine ecotourism
 strategies and programs.The results indicate that potentials attractions can be developed at Nusa Tabukan. Those are the nature and socio-culture environment.Small islands, white sandy beaches, coral reefs, mangrove forest, sea grass, dugong¸local wisdom as well as economic activities on community can be developed as marine tourism attractions.However, there were some obstacles related to tourism development such as human resources, tourism facilities and infrastructure and accessibility.This research formulated the grand strategy S-O to be applied which is strategy of marine ecotourism development in border cross area, while alternative strategies are also formulated.Roles of relates stakeholder is necessary needed to ensure the development is on the right track of sustainability.


  • The results indicate that potentials attractions can be developed at Nusa Tabukan

  • Formulasi strategi yang tepat dalam pengembangan kawasan Nusa Tabukan ini adalah strategi pengembangan produk ekowisata bahari di wilayah perbatasan

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Nusa Tabukan merupakan gugusan pulau dengan keindahan alam pantai, pesisir, terumbu karang serta kehidupan bawah laut yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai daya tarik wisata. Pengembangan Nusa Tabukan perlu direncanakan dan dikelola dengan baik untuk mencegah dampak yang dapat ditimbulkan oleh kegiatan pariwisata terhadap lingkungan, serta mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi lokal melalui konsep pemberdayaan masyarakat. Merujuk pada pendapat Pendit tersebut, maka dapat dikatakan bahwa potensi wisata merupakan sumber daya yang bisa dimanfaatkan sebagai daya tarik / atraksi wisata untuk kepentingan ekonomi daerah dan masyarakat lokal, dengan tetap memperhatikan unsur – unsur pendukung lainnya.

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