
The culinary potential of Nyambu Village cannot be seen if tourists visit and travel alone in Nyambu Village to enjoy local food. After tourists take the DWE tour package in Nyambu Village, local food is served by the Ecological Tourism Village (DWE) in Nyambu Village for guests visiting DWE in Nyambu village. The purpose of this study is to determine the development strategy and implications of developing local culinary potential in supporting the Ecological Tourism Village (DWE) in Nyambu Kediri Village, Tabanan. This study used descriptive qualitative method. The data was collected by means of observation techniques, in-depth interview techniques, and document study. The collected data were analyzed using SWOT analysis techniques, verified (data display), and concluded in narration, tables, photos, and charts. The theory used is Community Based Tourism (CBT) and the Theory of Tourist Attraction. The strategy for developing local culinary potential in supporting DWE in Nyambu Kediri Village, Tabanan is determined through a SWOT analysis and a SWOT analysis matrix, as follows: SO (StrengthOpportunity) strategy, namely a strategy to develop local culinary potential and a tourism village development strategy; WO (WeaknessesOpportunity) strategy, namely the strategy for the formation of local culinary management groups / organizations and CBT development strategies; ST (Strength-Threats) Strategy, namely a strategy to increase cooperation in the culinary field and a strategy to increase promotion; WT (Weaknesses-Threats) strategy, which is a strategy to increase stakeholder support for the formation of local culinary groups. The implications of developing culinary potential for local culinary processors, DWE and the people of Nyambu Village are enormous. The greater the support from the stakeholders, the greater the local culinary potential in Nyambu Village, and vice versa. Keywords: Development Strategy, Local Culinary Potential, Ecological Tourism Village


  • The strategy for developing local culinary potential in supporting Desa Wisata Ekologis (DWE) in Nyambu Kediri Village, Tabanan is determined through a SWOT analysis and a SWOT analysis matrix, as follows: SO (StrengthOpportunity) strategy, namely a strategy to develop local culinary potential and a tourism village development strategy; WO (WeaknessesOpportunity) strategy, namely the strategy for the formation of local culinary management groups / organizations and Community Based Tourism (CBT) development strategies; ST (Strength-Threats) Strategy, namely a strategy to increase cooperation in the culinary field and a strategy to increase promotion; WT (Weaknesses-Threats) strategy, which is a strategy to increase stakeholder support for the formation of local culinary groups

  • Penulis memiliki ketertarikan pada topik-topik penelitian seputar sosial dan budaya

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Hasil wawancara yang dilakukan dengan Yeni manajer DWE

Desa Nyambu, mengatakan: Selama ini pengurus DWE Desa Nyambu menyajikan menu sate lilit, sayur kelor, sayur gondo, ayam Gerang asem, sambel matah, sambel embe dan be lindung (belut)/ lindung mecakcak, serta welcome drink-nya teh sereh. Hasil wawancara dengan Biasa sebagai perbekel Desa Nyambu sekaligus pengusaha sate lilit mengatakan bahwa: Sate lilit merupakan kuliner yang unik dan khas. Masyarakat sering membeli sate lilit yang sudah matang dipanggang atau digoreng, dan ada juga membeli luluh sate untuk dipanggang di rumah masing-masing. Sekitar tahun 2015 Poklahsar Taman Griya mendapat pembinaan administrasi, cara pengolahan dan pemasaran dari Dinas Perikanan dan Kelautan Tabanan. Disamping dukungan oleh Dinas Perikanan dan Kelautan Tabanan, Poklahsar Taman Griya juga mendapat dukungan dari Bumda dan Perusda Tabanan dibidang pemasaran. Perkembangan dari Poklahsar Taman Griya semakin maju, sehingga beberapa kali mendapatkan juara dan Ketuanya Ida Bagus Parwata beberapa kali menjadi nara sumber dan mendapat penghargaan dari berbagai perlombaan

Juara III
Desa Nyambu
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