
Storage of raw materials affects the production of Cajuput oil as well as the resulting yield. If raw materials are abundant but the production capacity of the cauldron for refining Cajuput leaves and twigs at PMKP Jatimunggul is inadequate, this will cause a decrease in yield because the raw materials are stored for days and the transportation time from BKPH supplier to PMKP Jatimunggul takes a long time. Meanwhile, raw materials are always delivered every day from the supplier KPH. Harvesting Cajuput leaves and twigs that do not comply with the SOP can also reduce the yield of Cajuput oil. Data analysis uses SWOT with questionnaires. Strategies for managing raw materials have a total strength internal factor score of 3.892; weakness of 3,785; opportunity of 3,906; and threats of 3,489. Based on the values obtained, the strategic position for managing Cajuput raw materials and Cajuput oil is located in quadrant I with coordinate values (0.107; 0.417). Strategy Aggressive Strategy (Strengths – Opportunities) to find opportunities from BKPH Subang dan PMKP Jatimunggy by their strengths. Then the company will increase production of raw material from Melaleuca cajuputi leaf-twig.

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