
The presence of COVID-19 as a pandemic, determined by WHO, has destroyed all activities in society, including the people of Pekalongan city. The Covid-19 virus, which initially had an impact on the health sector, it immediately turned out to also have a domino effect on other sectors, such as the economic, as well as the social one; including the tourism. Restrictions on human movement from one place to another, prohibition of crowding and avoiding crowds make tourist objects deserted by visitors. Considering this pandemic is not known when it will end, and then all parties must prepare themselves with a new custom adaptation order. Of course, it requires the readiness of all parties, both local governments and tourism actors in Pekalongan City. This study is a qualitative descriptive, and data collection is taken by conducting a survey to each object that is examined with a question guide. The results of the study stated that the compliance of managers, employees and visitors in the modern market and hospitality area was high with a value from 85% to 100%. On the other hand, the compliance of managers, employees and visitors in the traditional market area of batik village, wholesaler, batik museum tourism with a compliance value of the Health protocol was from 50% to 75%. Furthermore, compliance of managers, employees and visitors in the Sari beach tourism area, open space areas, religious tourism and restaurants with a value of compliance with the Health protocol was from 20% to 60%. The majority of non-compliance is due to the absence of punishments for violations of Health protocols.


  • Pariwisata adalah salah satu industri kreatif yang banyak dikembangkan oleh berbagai negara, karena diyakini sebagai industri yang memiliki efek domino terhadap industri lain seperti transportasi, perhotelan, kuliner dan bisnis penunjang lain

  • The Covid-19 virus, which initially had an impact on the health sector, it immediately turned out to have a domino effect on other sectors, such as the economic, as well as the social one; including the tourism

  • Restrictions on human movement from one place to another, prohibition of crowding and avoiding crowds make tourist objects deserted by visitors. Considering this pandemic is not known when it will end, and all parties must prepare themselves with a new custom adaptation order. It requires the readiness of all parties, both local governments and tourism actors in Pekalongan City

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Pariwisata adalah salah satu industri kreatif yang banyak dikembangkan oleh berbagai negara, karena diyakini sebagai industri yang memiliki efek domino terhadap industri lain seperti transportasi, perhotelan, kuliner dan bisnis penunjang lain. Pada masa adaptasi kebiasaan baru masing-masing sektor pariwisata dan bisnis yang terkait dengan sektor pariwisata di Kota Pekalongan harus mampu merumuskan Sistem Operasional Prosedur (SOP) yang memastikan bahwa aktivitas usaha yang akan dilakukan selama masa pandemi tetap menjamin aman para pengguna dari Covid-19 dan menentukan strategi recovery yang tepat untuk kelangsungan usahanya dengan penerimaan yang lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan masamasa sebelumnya. Berdasarkan uraian tersebut maka fokus pembahasan riset ini adalah bagaimana persiapan sektor pariwisata Kota Pekalongan dalam masa adaptasi kebiasaan baru dan bagaimanakah strategi recovery yang dilakukan untuk kelangsungan sektor wisata dalam adaptasi kebiasaan baru. Risiko pergerakan orang dan berkumpulnya masyarakat pada tempat dan fasilitas umum, memiliki potensi penularan Covid-19 yang cukup besar, namun demikian agar roda perekonomian tetap dapat berjalan dan krisis ekonomi dapat diatasi maka semua aktivitas kehidupan sosial dan ekonomi harus tetap berjalan sampai pandemi Covid-19 dapat segera berakhir. Mengimbau masyarakat untuk berpatisipasi dan terlibat dalam transisi kebiasaan baru

Protokol Kesehatan Pencegahan
Sosialisasi protokol kesehatan di sektor kepariwisataan secara rutin
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