
These project are done for discussing the culinary tourist marketing at the tourism industry by identifying some of East Timor’s traditional foods that could be developed as a culinary destination. Local culinary has a good potential to be developed and can be used as a tourist product to attract tourist for a pay visit in East Timor by the reason of foods and drinks diversity and in East Timor. The purpose of this project is to know the culinary tourist marketing as a tourism business and attract tourists in Dili, East Timor. Data gathering techniques which is used to collects in this project are observation, interview, and documentary studies and this project using primary and secondary data. The study also employs qualitative data and will be analysis with qualitative techniques methods of marketing and is made up on four (4p) marketing structure. In this project has been used concepts that are related like marketing strategies, the culinary tours, the traditional foods, tourist destination, gastonomic theory, and marketing theory. The conclusion on these research are to discover certain local culinary potential that have been exploited as a culinary tourist destination. Tourist marketing that could developed tradional foods from East Timor should be give to East Timor’s sustainability.
 Keywords : Marketing Strategies, Culinary Tourism, Traditional Food.


  • Kuliner adalah salah satu jenis wisata yang mempunyai tujuan wisata tentang menciptakan pengalaman makanan dan minuman yang tak terupakan bagi wisatawan pencinta makanan dengan melakukan kegitan memakan dan belajar memasak aneka ragam kuliner khas dari daerah

  • These project are done for discussing the culinary tourist marketing at the tourism industry by identifying some of East Timor’s traditional foods that could be developed as a culinary destination

  • The study employs qualitative data and will be analysis with qualitative techniques methods of marketing and is made up on four (4p) marketing structure. In this project has been used concepts that are related like marketing strategies, the culinary tours, the traditional foods, tourist destination, gastonomic theory, and marketing theory

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Jurnal Destinasi Pariwisata

Vol 8 No 2, 2020 telah teridentifikasi dan foto jenis-jenis potenis makanan tradisional. Penelitian ini juga menggunakan jenis data kualitatif antara lain gambaran umum lokasi penelitian, potensi wisata kuliner yang dimiliki, serta toko oleh-oleh khas dari Dili. Dalam penelitian ini sesuai dengan rumusan masalah yang ada, peneliti ingin mengidentifikasi potensi wisata kuliner seperti jenis-jenis makanan tradisional yang mampu dimanfaatkan bagi objek wisata buatan di Timor-Leste yang meliputi Saboko, Tukir, Kulu Gisa, Kulu Tunu, Caldeirada, Etu Fore, dan Batar Nurak. Lokasi selanjutnya yang menyediakan oleh-oleh berupa makanan khas dari Timor-Leste yakni toko W Four dan Lita Store. Yang diartikan produksi ialah bentuk komsumsi lokal yang sudah pernah diidentifikasi serta sanggup dikembangkan sebagai destinasi wisata kuliner di Timor-Leste ialah: Saboko, Tukir, Kulu Gisa atau Kulu Tunu, Caldeirada, Etu Fore, dan Batar Nurak.

Batar Nurak
Ilmu Pariwisata
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