
Marketing strategy is basically the whole business activity that aims to plan products based on needs, set prices, promote and distribute, improve marketing management in a global competitive environment, and achieve the target market and company goals. For the implementation of marketing strategy in Islamic banking, there are three components of the marketing mix, these components form the basic strategy of Islamic banking in Indonesia, these components include product, price and promotion. Hajj is the 5th pillar in Islam, which consists of the creed, prayer, zakat and fasting. The Hajj is performed annually by Muslims around the world who can perform various activities (material, physical and scientific) in various places in Saudi Arabia during this period. designated as the pilgrimage season. 
 These topics discuss how Islamic banks in Indonesia implement marketing strategies for Hajj savings products so that people know and are interested in these products. This study collects data with information carried out using library research methods to collect data related to the topic or problem that is the subject of writing, in accordance with the wishes of the author. The results of this academic journal writing show aspects of socialization and application of the ideas behind the marketing strategy of Indonesian Islamic banks for Hajj savings products. There are still some obstacles in the BSI Hajj savings product where prospective pilgrims wish to register.

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