
<p>This study aimed to describe the success of marketing strategies in SMA Sedes Sapientiae Jambu which is a high boarding school in Bedono, Semarang regency with its students coming from various cities in Indonesia, such as Palembang, Lampung, Jakarta, Bogor, Semarang , Yogyakarta, Bali, Makassar and Papua. The diversity of high school students Sedes Sapientiae Jambu is because<br />the success of marketing management at SMA Sedes Sapientiae Jambu Bedono, where in the executing the marketing strategy there is a special team and they did not hesitate to invite an expert in the field of marketing to teach the promotion team to do marketing. In addition, many of the activities carried out in marketing schools such as by visiting junior high schools in various regions<br />of Java and Jakarta region and made a presentation as Sedes Sapientiae Jambu students as keynote speaker, did a choir at churches, did a tty out for the junior and open house in SMA Sedes Sapientiae Jambu, besides that, establishing relationships with alumni who are in various cities in Indonesia. Data collection techniques in this research through interviews, participatory observation<br />and documentation, and data analysis performed continuously throughout the study. One of the keys of the succesful of marketing in SMA Sedes Sapientiae Jambu the activities that establish a good relationship with various secondary schools in various regions, relations with alumni, parents, committee and local residents. The evidenced of it by the increasing number of high school students in Sedes Sapientiae Jambu from year to year. In this paper the writer recommend ways of marketing carried out by SMA Sedes Sapientiae Jambu that can be applied in other schools to increase student numbers.</p>


  • Suatu pendidikan dapat berjalan dengan baik jika terdapat komponen seperi guru, siswa, tenaga kependidikan, sarpras dan gedung pembelajaran yang memadai dan saling

  • This study aimed to describe the success of marketing strategies in SMA Sedes Sapientiae Jambu which is a high boarding school in Bedono, Semarang regency with its students coming from various cities in Indonesia, such as Palembang, Lampung, Jakarta, Bogor, Semarang, Yogyakarta, Bali, Makassar and Papua

  • The diversity of high school students Sedes Sapientiae Jambu is because the success of marketing management at SMA Sedes Sapientiae Jambu Bedono, where in the executing the marketing strategy there is a special team and they did not hesitate to invite an expert in the field of marketing to teach the promotion team to do marketing

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Penelitian ini dilakuakan di SMA Sedes Sapientiae Jambu, yang beralamatkan di Jalan raya Ambarawa-Magelang km. 10 Bedono, Kecamatan Jambu, Kabupaten Semarang. Penelitian ini dilakuakan di SMA Sedes Sapientiae Jambu, yang beralamatkan di Jalan raya Ambarawa-Magelang km. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah panitia atau tim promosi SMA Sedes Sapientiae Jambu (Ketua, Sekretaris, seksi humas) dengan penanggung jawabnya adalah Kepala Sekolah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan menggunakan wawancara mandala (in-depth interview), pengamatan partisipatif (participant observation) dan juga dokumentasi (documentation). Digunakannya wawancara mendalam adalah untuk memusatkan perhatian pada kasus yang intensif dan mendetail melalui pengumpulan data, penyusunan daa, analisis dan interpretasi data. Wawancara ini dilakukan lebih dari sekali untuk mendapatkan data yang mendalam dan lengkap. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah peneliti sendiri (human instrument). Analisis terhadap data penelitian dilakukan terus menerus selama penelitian berlangsung. Data hasil penelitian yang dianalisa adalah transkrip hasil wawancara, catatan di lapangan, dan dokumentasi sekolah

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