
Street parking retribution is one kind of PAD that has high potential in Dumai City.However, income from street parking retribution in Dumai City is still low because there is no proper strategy to optimize it. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to formulate strategy in order to optimize the income of parking on the street in Dumai City.This research uses interviews, questionnaires, observation and study documents as data collection techniques. Then data founded processed by calculating IFAS-IFAS, Cartesian SWOT quadrant, IE matrix and SWOT analysis. Results of this research are the formulation of strategies for optimizing the street parking retribution income in the city of Dumai as follows: 1) implementing the Electronic Parking Terminal (TPE) system as a more effective replacement system. 2) Forming supervisory team by coordinating such as Satpol PP, Police and so on. 3) Installed Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) at each public roadside parking location so that it can be used in the future. 4) Open a written or online complaint service to receive input and complaints from the public or public roadside parking service users. 5) Propose an additional operational budget so that the expansion of public roadside parking spaces in Dumai City can be carried out.


  • Retribusi parkir pinggir jalan merupakan salah satu jenis PAD yang memiliki potensi tinggi di Kota Dumai

  • 2) Forming supervisory team by coordinating such as Satpol PP, Police and so on. 3) Installed Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) at each public roadside parking location so that it can be used in the future

  • 3. Dilakukan pemasang Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) pada setiap lokasi parkir tepi jalan umum yang sehingga segala bentuk kecurangan yang terjadi dapat terekam dan menjadi barang bukti untuk ditindak lanjuti

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Journal Publicuho

ISSN2621-1351 (online), ISSN 2685-0729 (print) Volume 4 Number 4 (November - January), (2021) pp. 1082-1093 Open Access at:http://ojs.uho.ac.id/index.php/PUBLICUHO/index. Dalam melakukan pemungutan retribusi parkir tepi jalan umum Dinas Perhubungan melalui UPT perparkiran melakukan kerja sama dengan pihak swasta yang ada di Kota Dumai. Pihak kedua wajib menyetorkan seluruh penerimaan dari hasil penjualan karcis retribusi pelayanan parkir di tepi jalan umum kepada pihak pertama, dengan jumlah yang sesuai dengan bonggol karcis yang diserahkan oleh pihak pertama kepada pihak kedua. Permasalahan yang dialami UPT perparkiran dalam memaksimakan potensi penerimaan retribusi parkir tepi jalan umum di Kota Dumai berasal dari berbagai faktor. Berangkat dari pemaparan fenomena dalam latar belakang ini peneliti memutuskan untuk melakukan penelitian terkai formulasi strategi tang dapat di terapkan UPT perparkiran Dinas Perhubungan Kota Dumai untuk memaksimalkan penerimaan retribusi parkir tepi jalan umum di Kota Dumai sehingga dapat membantu menopang penerimaan PAD.

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