Research objectives: 1) Identify internal factors (strengths-weaknesses) and external (opportunities-threats) that affect the home marketing mix of coconut sugar industry in Jeruklegi District. 2) Analyzing alternative marketing mix strategies for the coconut sugar home industry in Jeruklegi District. 3) Analyzing the best marketing mix strategies that are priorities to be applied to the coconut sugar home industry in Jeruklegi District. The method used is a descriptive method with the research location in Jeruklegi District which was determined intentionally (Purposive Sampling) with certain selection considerations. Involving 25 respondents of coconut sugar craftsmen. The formulation of the home marketing mix strategy for the coconut sugar industry was analyzed by SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats). (Rangkuti, 2006). The results showed that internal factors were the availability of coconut trees, coconut sugar production activities were carried out continuously, the location of the coconut sugar processing business was quite strategic, the price of coconut sugar products was able to compete, the availability of experienced workers in the coconut sugar processing business, ownership of business capital. craftsmen independently, limited number of coconut trees, product quality does not yet have uniformity (taste, color and shape), lack of marketing information sources, level of production and packaging technology is still traditional, limited working capital of craftsmen, craftsmen have not done bookkeeping management and there is no group / cooperative. The position of the coconut sugar home industry in the Jeruklegi District, Cilacap Regency is in the Aggressive Region with the main strategy being the SO strategy, namely 1) Optimizing geographical conditions that support the agroclimate of natural resources and human resources of craftsmen in producing coconut sugar products continuously with competitive prices for coconut sugar products, 2) Optimizing production activities continuously in order to capture high market share opportunities both domestically and internationally with competitive prices as substitute products through partnership relationships between coconut sugar producers.
3) Analyzing the best marketing mix strategies that are priorities to be applied to the coconut sugar home industry in Jeruklegi District
The formulation of the home marketing mix strategy for the coconut sugar industry was analyzed by SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats). (Rangkuti, 2006)
The results showed that internal factors were the availability of coconut trees, coconut sugar production activities were carried out continuously, the location of the coconut sugar processing business was quite strategic, the price of coconut sugar products was able to compete, the availability of experienced workers in the coconut sugar processing business, ownership of business capital. craftsmen independently, limited number of coconut trees, product quality does not yet have uniformity, lack of marketing information sources, level of production and packaging technology is still traditional, limited working capital of craftsmen, craftsmen have not done bookkeeping management and there is no group / cooperative
Sektor pertanian terdiri dari subsektor tanaman bahan makanan, perkebunan, perikanan, peternakan dan kehutanan yang masing masing subsektor memiliki peran dan potensi dalam membangun perekonomian Indonesia. Sebagaimana hasil penelitian Budiningsih dkk., (2018) yaitu harga produk ditentukan sepenuhnya oleh pedagang pengepul, 20 responden (100%) menyatakan bahwa penentu harga gula kelapa pihak pedagang pengepul yang berasal dari wilayah sekitar Desa Kasegeran Kecamatan Cilongok Keseluruhan responden 20 (100%) wirausaha pengrajin gula kelapa menyatakan kegiatan pengolahan masih secara tradisional dengan keterbatasan kepemilikan modal usaha, ditunjukkan adanya kesulitan memperoleh modal usaha untuk produksi terutama modal untuk pembelian kayu bakar yang semakin mahal harganya. Perlu diindentifikasi faktor lingkungan internal (kekuatan-kelemahan) dan eksternal (peluang-ancaman) yang mempengaruhi marketing mix home industri pengrajin gula kelapa di wilayah Kecamatan Cilacap sekaligus menyusun strategi marketing mix guna pengembangan produk olahan lokal bagi pengrajin gula kelapa. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini menjadi penting dilakukan untuk menyusun strategi marketing mix terbaik yang menjadi prioritas untuk diterapkan pada home industri pengrajin gula kelapa guna pengembangan produk olahan lokal di Kecamatan Jeruklegi. (3) Bagaimanakah strategi marketing mix terbaik yang menjadi prioritas untuk diterapkan pada home industri pengrajin gula kelapa guna pengembangan produk olahan lokal di Kecamatan Jeruklegi ? Bertolak dari latar belakang pentingnya penelitian strategi marketing mix home industri pengrajin gula kelapa guna pengembangan produk olahan lokal di Kecamatan Jeruklegi, maka dirumuskan permasalahan sebagai berikut : (1) Bagaimanakah faktor lingkungan internal (kekuatan-kelemahan) dan eksternal (peluangancaman) yang mempengaruhi marketing mix home industry pengrajin gula kelapa guna pengembangan produk olahan lokal di Kecamatan Jeruklegi ? (2) Bagaimanakah alternatif strategi marketing mix home industri gula kelapa berdasarkan kesesuaian faktor lingkungan internal (kekuatan-kelemahan) dan lingkungan eksternal (peluang-ancaman) di Kecamatan Jeruklegi ? (3) Bagaimanakah strategi marketing mix terbaik yang menjadi prioritas untuk diterapkan pada home industri pengrajin gula kelapa guna pengembangan produk olahan lokal di Kecamatan Jeruklegi ?
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