
<p><em>The Communication Strategy of Hindu Instructor in Improving Sradha Bhakti for the Blind In Bina Netra Mahatmiya Social House of Tabanan Regency, this study aims to know the communication strategy used by extension workers in an effort to increase the religious understanding of the blind, and also to know the business of religion counselor of Tabanan Regency in increase the religious understanding of the blind in particular. Based on the above background it can be formulated as follows: (1) How is the communication strategy of extension of Hindu religion in improving sradha bhakti blind people in Bina Netra Mahatmiya Social House Tabanan regency? (2) What is the barrier of communication of extension of Hindu religion in improving sradha bhakti blind people at Bina Netra Mahatmiya Social House Tabanan regency? (3) What is the impact of Hindu counselor communication in improving sradha bhakti blind people in Bina Netra Mahatmiya Social House Tabanan regency? The data were collected by using observation technique, interview, and library study with qualitative descriptive data analysis technique. Informants were determined by purposive sampling. Data validity is obtained through triangulation technique.</em></p><p><em>The results of the research show that the Hindu Religious Counselor of Tabanan District has used the stages in communication. The strategy used by the extension is to use a communication strategy that is the introduction of the audience by understanding the karangka thinking the blind person with the inter-personal approach and the direct interaction. Preparation of messages using one side issue and both side issue because it makes it easier for people with visual impaired to understand by communicators. Determination of methods used are appropriate and diverse ie, informative, persuasive, educative, and cursive it will be easy to achieve predetermined goals. The selection of media, the lack of media used by the communicant resulted in the communication path a little hampered in order to react, the extension as a communicator creates the conditions as a container convey material. The role of communicator is the spearhead in conveying the extension of Hinduism.</em></p>

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