
This study is aboutthe potentials and constraints in developing of Kelating Beach as a tourist attraction at Village of Kelating, Tabanan Regency. This study is motivated by there’s no serious management for Kelating Beach, although this beach has the great potential to developed. This study is important to know potentials and constraints in developing of Kelating Beach as a tourist attraction at Village of Kelating, Tabanan Regency.
 This study using a qualitative approach by data collected by observation,interview, and documentation. Data used in this study is qualitative and quantitative and the data used in this study is derived from the primary and secondary data. Mechanical determination informants using purposive sampling. Analysis of the data used in this study is descriptive qualitative method of analysis.
 Based on the results of this study, Kelating Beach has great potentials to developed to be a tourist attraction at Village of Kelating. Physical Potentials of Kelating Beach are the beach view of still natural with black sand, surrounded by hills and crag, there’s a bat cave, mini waterfall, there’s a temple located in front of the beach the named is Taman AgungTemple. In addition, local communities with art and culture, daily activities or communities attitude of friendly also add value a tourist attraction at Village of Kelating, Tabanan Regency. Constraints in developing of Kelating Beach potentials from aspect: tourism community development, tourism product development and marketing of integrated. But in developing Kelating Beach as a tourist attraction at Village of Kelating, Tabanan Regency has constraints one of which is not yet active tourism management agency optimally .
 Keywords: Potential and Constrain, Developing the Tourist Attraction.


  • Based on the results of this study, Kelating Beach has great potentials to developed to be a tourist attraction at Village of Kelating

  • This study is about the potentials and constraints in developing of Kelating Beach as a tourist attraction at Village of Kelating, Tabanan Regency

  • Physical Potentials of Kelating Beach are the beach view of still natural with black sand, surrounded by hills and crag, there’s a bat cave, mini waterfall, there’s a temple located in front of the beach the named is Taman AgungTemple

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Kabupaten Tabanan merupakan salah satu kabupaten yang berada di Pulau Bali yang memiliki berbagai macam destinasi wisata, salah satunya adalah Pantai Kelating merupakan daya tarik wisata baru yang menarik minat wisatawan baik wisatawan mancanegara maupun domestik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi dan kendala apa saja dalam pengembangan Pantai Kelating sebagai daya tarik wisata di Desa Kelating, Kabupaten Tabanan. Dari hasil penelitiannya mengemukakan bahwa Air Terjun Les sangat potensial untuk dikembangkan sebagai daya tarik wisata alam. Selanjutnya dalam penelitian dari Ni Luh Kadek Rahma wati,dkk (2013) di Desa Kelating Kabupaten Tabanan yang dari hasil penelitiannya, menunjukkan bahwa di Desa Kelating telah terjadi konversi penggunaan lahan pertanian. Dampak positif bagi kondisi sosial ekonomi dari petani baik berupa penggunaan dari lahan, alasan petani mengubah lahan, pekerjaan, pendidikan dan pendapatan serta kepemilikan barang berharga, sedangkan dampak negatif dari terjadi konversi adalah bagi lahan pertanian yang dimiliki akan semakin menjadi berkurang. Persamaan penelitian dari Ni Luh Rahma Wati, dkk adalah memiliki lokus yaitu di Desa Kelating

Potensi Wisata
Pengembangan Pariwisata
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