
Humans in their lives can not be separated from the rules and norms that apply, both in society and the environment where they live. The rules require that each individual obey and obey. The consequences of violations committed will be punished according to applicable regulations. Likewise, schools as places of formal education have rules to limit unwanted behavior. This study is based on the observations of researchers who observed that the Tahnnuts punishment was carried out at the Al-Basyariyah Islamic Boarding School Cigondewah Hilir Bandung. The focus of the problem in this research is. 1) Implementation of the implementation of Islamic Boarding School regulations regarding the Tahannust Penalty on the Learning Discipline of Al-Basyariyyah Islamic Boarding School Cigondewah 2 Hilir Bandung 2) The Effect of the Implementation of Islamic Boarding School's regulations regarding the Tahannust Penalty on the Learning Discipline of Al-Basyariyyah Islamic Boarding School Cigondewah 2 Hilir Bandung. 3) Obstacles to the implementation of Islamic Boarding School regulations regarding the detention of prisoners against the learning discipline of students at Al-Basyariyyah Islamic Boarding School Cigondewah 2 Hilir Bandung. This study uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive method. Data collection techniques used are interviews and observation. The steps in compiling this research by analyzing the data that have been obtained include reducing the data, presenting the data, and verifying the data. the implementation of Tahannust on student learning discipline is very effective and students who violate already know what punishment they will get after they violate. Good influence in the application of Tahannust is able to make students better, responsible, and aware of the mistakes that have been made. In fact, this punishment is able to make students learn a lot and get closer to God. The implementation of Tahannust in Islamic boarding schools has no perceived obstacles because students receive punishment gracefully, so that the detention of prisoners runs smoothly and students who carry out punishments carry it out with pleasure.

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