
This research aims to expose strategy and scale of politeness in Riau students directive speech surrounded by Javanese culture, also its implications on languagelearning in manners in high school. This is a qualitative descriptive research. The data are in the form of directive speech either in formal or informal. The data source includes the activities of 15 Riau students of UMS, UNS, and IAIN. The data gathering techniques includes refering, recording, and taking notes. Data analysis methods in this research includes pragmatics comparison wether intralingual andextralingual. The interpretation of directive speech form is done by reffering to Prayitno’s work, while the analysis of politeness scale is based on Lakoff’s model.The results showed that (1) Riau students are much prefer to use indirect strategy when they are communicating with Javanese society (66,70% : 33,30%). (2) Theanalysis of politeness scale refers to the results of the politeness strategy category in terms of politeness levels low, medium, and fine. The combination of politenessstrategy of Riau students has a low level of politeness with comparison 47%: 23%: 30%. Total data on the scale of politeness in directive speech is low for as many as14 data, while the level of politeness are as many as 7 data, and the level of good politeness is as much as 9 data. (3) The implications of this research on languagelearning with manners in high school can be used as learning materials. In the 2013 curriculum, it is stated that the core competencies-2 (KI-2) of social attitude of classX, XI, and XII demands students to able to use the Indonesian language with manners while KTSP curriculum focused at speaking skills. Language learning can be fun ifstudents and teachers are able to use the language more politely.


  • ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan memaparkan strategi dan skala kesantunan tindak direktif mahasiswa Riau di lingkungan masyarakat berlatar belakang budaya Jawa, serta implikasinya terhadap pembelajaran bahasa secara santun di SMA

  • (3) The implications of this research on language learning with manners in high school can be used as learning materials

  • In the 2013 curriculum, it is stated that the core competencies-2 (KI-2) of social attitude of class X, XI, and XII demands students to able to use the Indonesian language with manners while KTSP curriculum focused at speaking skills

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Topik Status sosial

: ajakan mencicipi jenang : Pn mahasiswa semester 6, laki-laki, usia 20 tahun. : Pn ingin Mt mau mencicipi jenang buatan mahasiswa Riau, meskipun sudah banyak yang mencicipi jenangnya. Pn mempromosikan jenang dengan sebutan “asam podeh” khas Riau yang rasanya enak. : Ajakan Pn untuk mencicipi jenang Riau dengan khas rasa asam pedas. Temuan penelitian ini menghasilkan strategi kesantunan direktif berkategori seperti meminta, memerintah, mendesak, memohon, menyindir, mengharap, merayu, membujuk, dan memberi saran. Contoh (2) menunjukkan adanya pengubahan fungsi jenis tuturan, yakni untuk menyatakan perintah digunakan tuturan berita sehingga fungsi tidak sejalan dengan maksud. Tidak ada pemarkah lingual yang mengandung perintah. Jika pemarkah lingual dikaitkan dengan penanda nonlingual dan implikatur menunjukkan Pn memerintah Mt untuk mengambil sesuatu. Contoh (2) menunjukkan bahwa Pn memerintah Mt untuk melayani pesanannya berupa es teh dan dua tempe

TKD Pemarkah Lingual Penanda Nonlingual
Berlatar Belakang Budaya Jawa
Mendesak Memohon Menyindir Mengharap Merayu Membujuk
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