
Strain-gauge venous occlusion plethysmography (SGVOP) is a means of acquiring hemodynamic data non-invasively, unlike other methods used routinely for the diagnosis and follow-up of venous diseases. The present study compares the plethysmographic data with early- and mid-term routine data of patients with acute deep-vein thrombosis (DVT) who underwent pharmacomechanical thrombolysis. Included in this retrospective study were 118 patients with acute DVT, who underwent pharmacomechanical thrombolysis between February 2018 and July 2019. Pre- and post-procedure follow-up data including CIVIQ-20 (quality of life), VCSS (Venous Clinical Severity Score), D-Dimer, Doppler USG results, venous capacity (VC), and venous outflow (VO) obtained by SGVOP were recorded and compared. In all 118 (100%) patients who underwent the procedure, early- and mid-term patency was seen to have been provided on Doppler USG follow-up, and various degrees of venous insufficiency were identified. A statistically significant improvement was observed in VCSS, CIVIQ-20, D-Dimer, VO, and VC measurements, although when the discrepancies between CIVIQ-20 and plethysmographic measurements were examined individually during the 6-month follow-up, nine (13.1%) patients were identified with comorbidities. Pharmacomechanical thrombolysis is an effective treatment approach for patients with acute DVT. Providing non-invasive objective data supporting the diagnosis and follow-up of venous diseases, the SGVOP approach offers significant benefits and should be considered more frequently as a viable therapy.

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