
Protein and amino acid composition of mature karnels from three allelic proline-requiring mutants in maize, pro 1-1, pro 1-2, and pro 1-3 were analyzed and compared to kernels of the stock A 188 containing the wild type allele. The amount of free proline was specifically reduced in the embryos of all three mutants, while in the endosperm such a reduction was only found for pro 1-2 and pro 1-3 Accumulation of the proline-rich zeins was strongly reduced in the mutants, but in contrast to opaque-2 the reduction affected all major zein polypeptides to the same extent, possibly as a consequence of the defective proline metabolism. Albumins and globulins as well as free amino acids were more abundant in the endosperms of the mutants than in the wild type. Analysis of the albumins and globulins by SDS-PAGE revealed specific increases as well as reductions of certain polypeptides in the endosperms and embryos of the mutants.

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