
The ar cle deals with the problem of applica on of project-digital ac vi es in the educa onal process of an educa onal ins tu on as a means of developing students’ digital competence. The expediency of introducing educa onal digital projects into the educa onal process of educa onal ins tu ons is substan ated. Presented and analyzed digital content tools when students perform project-digital ac vi es. The analysis of domes c and foreign experience of using «Stop Mo on» in the educa onal process has been carried out. Analyzed the forma on and development of «Stop Mo on» anima on in a historical context. Using the example of forthpu ng the Stop Mo on Studio mobile applica on, the algorithm for crea ng digital content and the capabili es of this pla orm are disclosed. It has been proven that students can use «Stop Mo on Studio» as an effec ve tool of performing project work in the learning process, because this program (mobile applica on) helps in a simple and convenient form to visualize complex phenomena and processes for a more thorough learning of educa onal material. The analysis of the use of e-learning tools for the development of digital competence of students has been carried out. Defined the advantages of using «Stop Mo on» applica ons in the educa onal process of educa onal ins tu ons to form digital competence: the simplicity of producing animated films using «Stop Mo on» applica ons allows students to show the applied value of mobile devices not only for entertainment, but also for gaining knowledge and skills; the universality for use in the study of various subjects of the educa onal cycle, both humanitarian and natural areas; the openness to discuss and comprehend the received digital content. The stages of digital project ac vi es are highlighted: familiarize students with the anima on technique and instruc ons for using the Stop Mo on mobile app; teach how to create «actors» and «stage»; to form skills for crea ng elementary ac ons (for example, to wave a hand) to create musical accompaniment and make a video of an movement already studied; divide students into teams; create your own mini-movie using the Stop Mo on applica on; analyze the difficul es that have arisen when crea ng a video.

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