
he current state of the stone fruit market in Ukraine, the price situation, and the development of foreign trade are analyzed. The issue of production and sale of fruits in the world is considered. It has been established that peaches and nectarines occupy the first place among stone fruits in terms of world production. China is the leader among world producers of stone fruits. It was determined that the needs of the population of Ukraine in stone fruits relative to the consumption rate, due to its low paying demand, are met by only 70%. Due to the concentration of the main production of these fruits in households, there is differentiation in the level of consumption. After all, the chaotic nature of their production and sale cannot ensure uniformity and sufficiency. In our opinion, Ukrainian stone fruits remain less competitive in terms of prices than imported ones due to undeveloped infrastructure and insufficient government support for the horticulture market. The purpose of the research is to reveal the features of the formation of the conjuncture of the global and domestic stone fruit market and further development prospects. The variability of the market of stone fruits is manifested in the change of its conjuncture. The study of the latter was carried out based on a set of economic indicators divided into groups: production, internal turnover, foreign trade, price. In the process of research, the dialectical method of understanding market processes and the systematic approach, analytical generalizations, statistical comparison, constructive-calculation, abstract-logical method were used. It was established that the structure and saturation of the stone fruit market is insufficiently efficient and requires an additional expansion of the quality product offer to meet the needs of consumers. The basis for this should be an increase in production volumes by horticultural enterprises. This requires additional state support, in particular for solving pricing, investment, lending and insurance issues. The problem of selling stone fruits remains acute. This is due to the insufficient development of the processing industry and the lack of storage facilities for enterprises. This limits the formation of marketable batches of fruits for export. We believe that in the near future, in order to optimally meet the needs of consumers with fruits, it is necessary to develop a long-term program for the development of the internal market of stone fruits. It is necessary to take into account the possibilities of financial state support of the horticulture industry and forecast indicators of demand provision. Key words: market, stone fruits, consumption, supply, demand, export, import, price.

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