
The iso/anisohydric continuum has been used to classify tree species' drought response strategies. The range over which stomata are regulating leaf water potential (ψl) before turgor loss occurs can be described with metrics such as the dependence of ψl on soil water potential (ψsoil) and the size of 'hydroscape area' (HA), but corresponding field data from adult trees are scarce. We examined the stomatal conductance (gs)-ψl relationship in its temporal (diurnal vs seasonal and interannual) and spatial (within-crown vs between-site) variation in European beech, using extensive ψl and gs measurements in the canopy of four beech stands across a precipitation gradient, and complemented the data set by published ψl and gs measurements in further Central European beech stands (including the extreme 2018 drought) in order to cover the full water potential operation space of the species. Both metrics characterize beech as a strictly anisohydric species with δψl/δψsoil>>1 and HA=4MPa2. However, stomates close sensitively in response to increasing vapor pressure deficit, disproving the widely assumed dependence of large ψl variation on looser stomatal control. Characterizing the water status regulation mechanisms of trees requires separating diurnal from day-to-day variation in ψl and gs. The large diurnal and seasonal ψl variation in beech leaves is partly caused by a low leaf tissue elasticity, suggesting that a whole-plant perspective with consideration of osmotic and elastic tissue properties and stem and root hydraulics is needed for fully understanding ψl regulation and the drought tolerance strategy of trees.

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