
Although capelin is an important commercial and forage species of the Newfoundland region, firm evidence for the designation of separate stocks does not exist. In a previous analysis of meristic characters of capelin, the authors assumed that meristic data were multivariate normal, an assumption that is not usually met. Consequently, the data were reanalyzed by using non-parametric methodology to assess differences in meristic characters, and the results of the analyses were examined to determine the relative importance of individual characters in the separation of stocks. Groups of capelin samples from five areas were tested by using 11 meristic characters in two age-groups. Capelin from western Newfoundland and Southeast Shoal of the Grand Bank continued to be clearly identified as separate stocks. The delineations of capelin from the other three areas were less clear, although independent paired comparisons with age combined differentiated the Labrador-Northeast Newfoundland and the northern Grand Bank-Avalon stocks, and separate analysis of age 3 and 4 capelin indicated that these two stocks were different from the St. Pierre Bank stock.

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