
In recent years, new techniques based on artificial intelligence and machine learning in particular have been making a revolution in the work of actuaries, including in loss reserving. A particularly promising technique is that of neural networks, which have been shown to offer a versatile, flexible and accurate approach to loss reserving. However, applications of neural networks in loss reserving to date have been primarily focused on the (important) problem of fitting accurate central estimates of the outstanding claims. In practice, properties regarding the variability of outstanding claims are equally important (e.g., quantiles for regulatory purposes).In this paper we fill this gap by applying a Mixture Density Network (“MDN”) to loss reserving. The approach combines a neural network architecture with a mixture Gaussian distribution to achieve simultaneously an accurate central estimate along with flexible distributional choice. Model fitting is done using a rolling-origin approach. Our approach consistently outperforms the classical over-dispersed model both for central estimates and quantiles of interest, when applied to a wide range of simulated environments of various complexity and specifications.We further extend the MDN approach by proposing two extensions. Firstly, we present a hybrid GLM-MDN approach called “ResMDN“. This hybrid approach balances the tractability and ease of understanding of a traditional GLM model on one hand, with the additional accuracy and distributional flexibility provided by the MDN on the other. We show that it can successfully improve the errors of the baseline ccODP, although there is generally a loss of performance when compared to the MDN in the examples we considered. Secondly, we allow for explicit projection constraints, so that actuarial judgement can be directly incorporated into the modelling process.Throughout, we focus on aggregate loss triangles, and show that our methodologies are tractable, and that they out-perform traditional approaches even with relatively limited amounts of data. We use both simulated data—to validate properties, and real data—to illustrate and ascertain practicality of the approaches.

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