
The concept of resonance in nonlinear systems is crucial and traditionally refers to a specific realization of maximum response provoked by a particular external perturbation. Depending on the system and the nature of perturbation, many different resonance types have been identified in various fields of science. A prominent example is in neuroscience where it has been widely accepted that a neural system may exhibit resonances at microscopic, mesoscopic and macroscopic scales and benefit from such resonances in various tasks. In this context, the two well-known forms are stochastic and vibrational resonance phenomena which manifest that detection and propagation of a feeble information signal in neural structures can be enhanced by additional perturbations via these two resonance mechanisms. Given the importance of network architecture in proper functioning of the nervous system, we here present a review of recent studies on stochastic and vibrational resonance phenomena in neuronal media, focusing mainly on their emergence in complex networks of neurons as well as in simple network structures that represent local behaviours of neuron communities. From this perspective, we aim to provide a secure guide by including theoretical and experimental approaches that analyse in detail possible reasons and necessary conditions for the appearance of stochastic resonance and vibrational resonance in neural systems. This article is part of the theme issue 'Vibrational and stochastic resonance in driven nonlinear systems (part 2)'.

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