
Alert wakefulness (W) and rapid eye movement sleep (REM) are remarkably similar on several measures of brain activity, but 2 differences in REM are reduced sensory responsiveness and atonia in postural muscles. Pontine tegmental lesions create REM without atonia (REM-A), releasing motor behavior. In 9 cats, we studied the acoustic startle reflex (ASR), orienting (OR), and ponto-geniculo-occipital waves (PGOE) elicited by tones during W, REM, REM-A, and non-REM (NREM). OR occurred in W and REM-A, being most complete in cats with the most elaborate spontaneous behavior. ASR occurred in W, NREM, and REM-A in lesioned cats. In normal cats, ASR rarely appeared in NREM and REM. PGOE had similar characteristics in both groups. The similarity of REM to W is particularly obvious when cats lack motoneuronal inhibition.

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