
This study investigated the cellular mechanism of stimulation of renin secretion by the loop diuretic ethacrynic acid (EA) in rabbit renal cortical slices. The diuretic rapidly stimulated renin secretion reversibly and in a concentration-dependent manner. The stimulation was independent of the presence of Na+, Cl-, Ca2+, or other loop diuretics (furosemide and bumetanide) in the incubation media, suggesting that the stimulation in vitro was not dependent on the inhibitory effect of the diuretic on Na(+)-K(+)-2Cl-cotransport. The findings do not support the macula densa hypothesis. The stimulation by the diuretic was prevented and reversed by thiols such as cysteine and dithiothreitol, which also prevented and reversed the stimulation of renin secretion by the nondiuretic sulfhydryl reagent P-chloromercuriphenyl-sulfonate (PCMPS). These results suggest that EA stimulates renin secretion in vitro via reversible chemical reactions with specific membrane sulfhydryl groups that may have no functional role in the Na(+)-K(+)-2Cl- cotransport.

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