
The etiological factor of Yoni Vyapat are mainly due to the vitiation of Doshas, among which Paripluta Yoni Vyapat is due to the vitiation of Vata Dosha, which can be correlated to Dyspareunia. Dyspareunia means the coital act is difficult and or painful. There is different etiology depending upon the site of pain, out of which Vagina Atrophy prevalence of 67.5% associated with vaginal dryness – 62%, itching 40%. For the better and fruitful result Sthanika Chikitsa (local therapies) has been enumerated as an important part of Yoni Vyapad Chikitsa, which includes Yoni Parisheka (cleansing of vagina), Yoni Abhyanga (massaging of vagina with medicated oil), Yoni Pralepa (semisolid drug applied on the vaginal wall), Yoni Pichudharana (medicated soaked tampon place in vagina). Case Study: A female aged 49 years, approached OPD complaining of painful coitus along with dryness and itching of vagina, which increased after her menopause. The condition was treated with Sthanika Chikitsa followed by internal medications.

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