
Vitamin Ds (cholecalciferol) is first hydroxylated in the liver to form 2.5-OH-D3 before it is further metabolized in the kidney to either l,25(OH)2Ds or to 24,25(OH)2Ds and 25 ,26(OH)2Ds, respectively. 24,25(OH)zDs is the major dihydroxy form of cholecalciferol appearing in the plasma of normal rats [ 11. It is also found in sizeable quantities in normal man and in much smaller amounts or not at all, in anephric subjects [2,3]. The stereochemical configuration of 24,25(OH)*Ds at C-24,24R or 24S, remained unknown until the tritiated metabolite was enzymatically generated by chick renal homogenates and identified with synthetic 24R,25(OH)2Ds by HPL.co-C of their 3,24, 25-Tris-TMSderivatives [4]. Similar identification of 24,25(OH)2Ds from human origin was of great interest more especially since the determination [5] of the stereochemical configuration at C-25 of 25,26(OH)*D, isolated from human plasma. This paper reports the preparation of tritiated human 24,25(OH)*Ds and its identification with 24R,25(OH)zDs in a straight-phase HPLco-C on silica of high surface area.

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