
The article considers the problem of STEM education in the context of improving the quality of science and mathematics literacy of pupils. The results of the monitoring study conducted by the “OsvitAnalityka” Analytical Center of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University in cooperation with the Kyiv City Educational Agency and the Ukrainian Center for Educational Quality Assessment are presented. The state of formation of science and mathematical literacy of pupils as the ability to apply knowledge to solve practical problems for the implementation of STEM education has been established. Examples of practice-oriented integrated tasks in geography, chemistry, biology and physics that reveal the possibilities of STEM education are given. The success of the implementation of individual tasks, which involved subject integration and the use of knowledge in practice is analyzed. The most important factors influencing the quality of STEM education are highlighted: professional level of teachers, material and technical and educational-methodical support, motivation of pupils, practice-oriented content of education. As a result of the monitoring study, recommendations were prepared for general secondary education institutions for further implementation of STEM education.

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