
This article introduces readers to the regulation of the act of robbery in the Czech and Slovak penal codes. The solutions adopted in the Czech Republic and Slovakia have been presented by comparing them to the regulation of the act of robbery contained in the Polish Penal Code. The perormed analysis showed that there are significant differences between the regulation of the act of robbery in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, and the solutions adopted in the Polish Penal Code. For example, the qualifying types of robbery were presented differently. Moreover, in the Czech Republic and Slovakia the act of robbery takes place already at the moment of conducting violence to seize property, while in Poland it takes place at a later stage – with the actual seizure of someone else’s property. What is already a robbery under Czech and Slovak law, is only an attempt according to the Polish Penal Code. The article also compares severity of penalties for robbery in Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, and presents the options for liability of collective entities for robbery in these three countries.

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