
The purpose of the research is to publish and analyze the statute of the Ukrainian National Cossack Movement (UNAKOR) (1935) as a source for the history of the specified organization and legal culture of the Ukrainian Cossack movement. The research methodology – principles of scientificity, objectivity, historicism, methods of external and internal critique of sources. The research novelty is that the Statute of the Ukrainian National Cossack Movement (UNAKOR) (1935) was first published and analyzed as a historical and historical and legal source. The Conclusions. Thus, the Statute of the Ukrainian National Cossack Movement (UNAKOR) was approved on 1 June 1935 by the UNAKOR Military Authority and signed by military clerk I. Voloshyn and military osavul V. Zolotarenko. Although this document is known to researchers, it has not been analyzed separately as a historical source. The statute in its original version is kept in the Sectoral State Archive of the Security Service of Ukraine and the Central State Archives of Higher Authorities and Administration of Ukraine in Kyiv. In this article we use a document from the Sectoral State Archives of the Security Service of Ukraine. The Statute is divided into three sections: I – a historical sketch of the movement (10 subparagraphs); II – UNAKOR program (26 subparagraphs); III – UNAKOR Regulamine (19 subparagraphs). We consider it an important historical source for the history of the functioning of the whole Cossack movement and the history of the development of domestic legal thought. The document is published in the original language. The edition retains the vocabulary, authoring and editorial features of the source as much as possible. Own and geographical names are presented without changes. Only the most obvious grammatical errors were corrected. The document is accompanied by a legend, indicating the place of its storage (the name of the archive, the number of the fonds, descriptions, cases, pages).


  • Statute of the Ukrainian National Cossack Movement (UNAKOR) (1935) as a historical source to cooperate with Germany, subject to the obligations of the Brest-Lithuania Peace Treaty

  • Continuing to combat any dissent, possible manifestations of anti-Soviet activity, law enforcement agencies began to develop former members of the Ukrainian National Cossack Movement, which, after the end of the German-Soviet War, was returned to their previous place of residence largely repatriated, tried to establish ties with their fellow-citizens and relatives who lived in Volhyn (SSA SSU, f. 2, d. 8 (1959), c. 3, pp. 122–123)

  • The Statute of the Ukrainian National Cossack Movement (UNAKOR) in its original version is stored in the Sectoral State Archive of the Security Service of Ukraine (f. 2: Department of Combating Banditry of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Department 2-N and Department 4 of the MSS-KGB of the Ukrainian SSR, d. 8 (1959), c. 3 (Control-supervising case with materials on management and control over agent-operative work against the so-called Ukrainian National Cossack Movement “UNAKOR”), pp. 23–25)

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СТАТУТ УКРАЇНСЬКОГО НАЦІОНАЛЬНОГО КОЗАЦЬКОГО РУХУ (УНАКОР) (1935 Р.) ЯК ІСТОРИЧНЕ ДЖЕРЕЛО Наукова новизна полягає у тому, що уперше публікується Статут Українського національного козацького руху (УНАКОР) (1935) та здійснюється його аналіз як історичного та історико-правового джерела. Статут Українського національного козацького руху (УНАКОР) було затверджено 1 червня 1935 р.

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