
This paper examines the status of corporate governance research on Indian in the Indian and International journals between the period 2000-2010. The paper attempts to understand the nature of global research on corporate governance in top tiered international journals reflects the growing interest in India and whether the research published in the top journals in India reflect the differences vis-a-vis the global discourse on corporate governance. Our analysis of the papers in international and Indian journals indicates that there has been a steady and growing interest in the field of corporate governance in India. The convergence of the importance of certain topics like Performance and regulatory mechanisms between international and Indian journals can be seen as indicative of the presence of the common body of knowledge in the field of corporate governance research. There is however, a need for more empirical research in the Indian context and also the development of theories that are embedded in local realities. Given that the institutional context of an economy impacts significantly the nature of governance practices, more papers that explore the institutional contextual realities of India are needed. This would contribute significantly to deepening the research in a comparative management perspectives.

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