
Background and Aim: Making quick decisions on the eligibility of a research work to accept and publish appearsto be a daunting task for most of the society journals in India. The aims of this study was to compare the extentof scientific article handling services provided by the Indian and international journals, and to reiterate theimportance of publishing the results of high impact research work in the shortest possible time.Material and Methods: An observational analysis of 19 Indian and 19 international medical journals affiliatedto subject specific societies was done. The journals were analyzed for the “median time taken from submissionof manuscript to first decision”, availability of “online first” facility and “number of issues” published in a year.Microsoft Office 2007 was used to formulate the data and presented in a descriptive manner using numbers.Results: All the international journals analyzed in this study were offering median timelines to first decisionranging from 7 days to 42 days on their websites compared to only 57.9% (n=11/19) of the Indian journals. Thelongest duration to respond among Indian journals is being taken by the Indian Journal of Psychiatry (90 days),with the shortest timeline being offered by the Indian Journal of Microbiology (5 days). In contrast to internationaljournals, 52.6% (n=10/19) of Indian journals were only providing the service of “online first” actively on theirwebsites. Among the international journals, 78.9% (n=15/19) were publishing monthly issues compared to only26.3% (n=5/19) of Indian journals.Conclusions: Indian journals published by societies must thrive hard to accelerate the editorial process in a timebound manner and disseminate the results of impactful research work at the earliest by recruiting large numberof reviewers and skilled technical personnel. Delay in decisions and publications by the journals can hamper theconfidence and trust among research community to send good scientific work.

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