
These proceedings give a summary of the many software upgrade projects undertaken to prepare ATLAS for the challenges of Run-2 of the LHC. Those projects include a significant reduction of the CPU time required for reconstruction of real data with high average pile-up event rates compared to 2012. This is required to meet the challenges of the expected increase in pileup and the higher data taking rate of up to 1 kHz. By far the most ambitious project is the implementation of a completely new analysis model, based on a new ROOT readable reconstruction format, xAOD. The new model also includes a reduction framework based on a train model to centrally produce skimmed data samples and an analysis framework. These proceedings close with a brief overview of future software projects and plans that will lead up to the coming Long Shutdown 2 as the next major ATLAS software upgrade phase.


  • The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is a pp collider at the European Organization for Nuclear Research, CERN, in Geneva, Switzerland

  • The LHC will increase the center of mass energy at which it will operate during Run-2 to about 13 TeV

  • The tracking system was complemented by a fourth layer of the pixel detector, the insertable b-layer (IBL), closer to the beam pipe

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Status and Future Evolution of the ATLAS Offline Software

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