
Despite being a quantum two-fluid system, superfluid helium-4 (He II) is observed to behave similarly to classical fluids when a flow is generated by mechanical forcing. This similarity has brought up the feasibility of utilizing He II for high Reynolds number classical turbulence research, considering the small kinematic viscosity of He II. However, it has been suggested that the non-classical dissipation mechanism in He II at small scales may alter its turbulent statistics and intermittency. In this work, we report our study of a nearly homogeneous and isotropic turbulence (HIT) generated by a towed grid in He II. We measure the velocity field using particle tracking velocimetry with solidified deuterium particles as the tracers. By correlating the velocities measured simultaneously on different particle trajectories or at different times along the same particle trajectory, we are able to conduct both Eulerian and Lagrangian flow analyses. Spatial velocity structure functions obtained through the Eulerian analysis show scaling behaviors in the inertial subrange similar to that for classical HIT but with enhanced intermittency. The Lagrangian analysis allows us to examine the flow statistics down to below the dissipation length scale. Interestingly, strong deviations from the classical scaling behaviors are observed in this regime. We discuss how these deviations may relate to the motion of quantized vortices in the superfluid component in He II.

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