
In this paper, we present theoretical results on the statistical properties of stationary, homogeneous, and isotropic turbulence in incompressible flows in three dimensions. Within the framework of the non-perturbative renormalization group, we derive a closed renormalization flow equation for a generic n-point correlation (and response) function for large wave-numbers with respect to the inverse integral scale. The closure is obtained from a controlled expansion and relies on extended symmetries of the Navier-Stokes field theory. It yields the exact leading behavior of the flow equation at large wave-numbers |p→i| and for arbitrary time differences ti in the stationary state. Furthermore, we obtain the form of the general solution of the corresponding fixed point equation, which yields the analytical form of the leading wave-number and time dependence of n-point correlation functions, for large wave-numbers and both for small ti and in the limit ti → ∞. At small ti, the leading contribution at large wave-numbers is logarithmically equivalent to −α(εL)2/3|∑tip→i|2, where α is a non-universal constant, L is the integral scale, and ε is the mean energy injection rate. For the 2-point function, the (tp)2 dependence is known to originate from the sweeping effect. The derived formula embodies the generalization of the effect of sweeping to n-point correlation functions. At large wave-numbers and large ti, we show that the ti2 dependence in the leading order contribution crosses over to a |ti| dependence. The expression of the correlation functions in this regime was not derived before, even for the 2-point function. Both predictions can be tested in direct numerical simulations and in experiments.

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