Let s: [1,∞) → ℂ be a locally integrable function in Lebesgue’s sense. The logarithmic (also called harmonic) mean of the function s is defined by $$\tau (t): = \frac{1} {{\log t}}\int_1^t {\frac{{s(x)}} {x}dx, t > 1,}$$ where the logarithm is to the natural base e. Besides the ordinary limit lim x→∞ s(x), we use the notion of the so-called statistical limit of s at ∞, in notation: st-lim x→∞ s(x) = l, by which we mean that for every ɛ > 0, $$\mathop {\lim }\limits_{b \to \infty } \frac{1} {b}\left| {\left\{ {x \in (1,b):\left| {s(x) - \ell } \right| > \varepsilon } \right\}} \right| = 0.$$ We also use the ordinary limit limt→∞ τ (t) as well as the statistical limit st-limt→∞ τ (t). We will prove the following Tauberian theorem: Suppose that the real-valued function s is slowly decreasing or the complex-valued s is slowly oscillating. If the statistical limit st-limtt→∞ τ (t) = l exists, then the ordinary limit limx→∞ s (x) = l also exists.
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