
Statistical computational learning is the branch of Machine Learning that defines and analyzes the performance of learning algorithms using two metrics: sample complexity and runtime complexity. This chapter is a short introduction to this important area of research, geared toward the reader interested in developing learning algorithms for AI models. We first provide the formal background about statistical learning problems, captured by three basic ingredients: tasks, models and loss functions. We next examine the PAC learning framework and its generalizations, used to capture the concepts of statistical learnability and computational (or efficient) learnability. Based on this framework, the conditions of statistical learnability are investigated through the properties of uniform convergence and algorithmic stability. We also survey several theoretical results and algorithms in the topics of concept learning and convex learning, which take a central place in statistical computational learning. We then conclude this survey with some trends and open questions in learning AI models, by mainly focusing on sparse models, probabilistic models, preference models and deep neural models.

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