
The public debt at the present stage is an objective economic phenomenon, a component of the financial system and a tool for implementing the economic strategy of the country, and its effective use can be a powerful factor in its economic growth. The paper is devoted to the study the economic essence, current state, structure and main trends of the total public debt of Ukraine. Essence of national debt, state-guaranteed debt, foreign and domestic debt and maintenance of relative amount and rate of debt are exposed. Under the type of debt obligation, public debt is divided into direct (unconditional) and guaranteed (conditional) debt, which arises as a result of the state's obligations to third parties or guarantees for these obligations. There is also a division of public debt by type of creditor. Domestic and foreign public debt are distinguished on this basis. Based on statistical data of Ministry of finance of Ukraine and Government service of statistics of Ukraine the dynamics of the debt of Ukraine is analyzed and an analysis of its structure according the type of debt obligation, and the type of creditor is carried out. Public and state-guaranteed debt during 2016–2020 grows on average annually by UAH 195.95 billion or 10.2 %. The state external debt of Ukraine increased during the period under study from UAH 980.19 billion on 01.01.2016 to UAH 1258.52 billion. at the end of 2020 with a decrease in 2019 by UAH 168.54 billion. The impact of external borrowing on economic growth is determined by the relative size of debt the share of public debt in GDP. The analysis of the indicator shows that in 2016–2020 it decreased from 81.0 % at the end of 2016 to 50.3 % in 2019, which corresponds to the legal norm, while in 2020 its share has already reached 60.8 %, which is 10.3 % more than in the previous year.

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