
Women in the status of a milestone in a family, who can also become the mother, are given more responsibility compared to man. In this sense, working woman has some very crucial responsibilities both individually and socially and economically. Besides these roles, the involvement of women comprising almost half of the population in working life actively and contribute to production is of importance in the development of country and fight against poverty. Therefore, in the current time, a great many incentives have been given in socio-economic sense recently in order to increase the woman employment in Turkey, which is much behind OECD data, to the desired level. However, even though the activity in woman employment has partly improved quantitatively in recent years despite these measures, necessary improvement in providing them a proper job qualitatively have not been obtained. Some reasons for this could be summed as follows: gender discrimination, inadequate growth, scarcity in proper job, lack of innovative and entrepreneurial education model for labour market, rapid urbanization, qualitative labour force, job experience etc. Women could only find an opportunity for a job in atypical working forms such as easiest one, without a union, without protection, demanding a cheap labour force with sub-employers. In this sense, in the current study that was carried out to describe women employment in Turkey, it was aimed to investigate involvement in labour force, working types and conditions. The method to be used in the study was planned as determining and evaluating the condition in the working life of women and changing trend in the country with a basis of examining current national and international studies and statistical data with regard to woman employment in the last five years.

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