
In this last decade, experimental results and their understanding have led to magnetic skyrmions becoming promising candidates for the storage and processing of digital information [1]. However, some key barriers such as reducing their size, enhancing their stability at room temperature, or their low-power manipulation under electrical current have not yet been overcome, meaning that they are rarely integrated in actual devices [2]. To surmount these limitations, it has been proposed to study these magnetic textures in antiferromagnets or synthetic antiferromagnets (SAFs) instead of the conventional ferromagnetic layers that are usually considered [3,4].In this more complex system, multiple ferromagnetic layers are coupled antiferromagnetically through a non-magnetic spacer layer via the RKKY interaction (Fig a) [4,5]. By switching to these systems, two crucial points need to be addressed. First, a drastic reduction of stray fields is expected in SAFs due to the anti-alignment of magnetization, which should reduce the size of the skyrmions [6]. Second, it is not possible to manipulate a conventional skyrmion in the driving force direction in a ferromagnet due to its topology that intrinsically induces a deflection known as the skyrmion Hall effect [7]. In SAF systems, since the magnetisation of the skyrmions in each magnetic layer are opposite, it is expected that the two deflections cancel each other out and the two skyrmions move in the current direction [3]. Even if skyrmions have recently been observed in SAFs [4,8,9], a clear and simple micromagnetic description of both the static and dynamic properties of such skyrmions is so far lacking to further understand this phenomenon.In order to improve the description of these properties and highlight the expected benefits of using SAFs rather than conventional ferromagnets, we simulate numerically the behavior of skyrmions in bilayer SAFs for a large range of parameters. We also adapt the ferromagnetic analytical formalism [10] to SAF systems. This leads to results that are in good agreement with the numerical simulations whilst also highlighting the underlying mechanisms. First, we investigate the stability region of SAF skyrmions and how their radii r evolve with micromagnetic parameters. We show that they are only slightly smaller than for ferromagnetic systems (Fig b), but that they exist for a larger range of parameters. Second, we study the dynamics of these skyrmions under spin currents. We find, as expected, that SAF skyrmions move at a faster velocity v than in a conventional ferromagnet (Fig c) for a given current density J, and move in the applied current direction (Fig d) with zero skyrmion Hall angle θSky. By using the analytical model based on the Thiele equation, we are able to recover these dynamics (Fig c and d) and identify the required condition for the vanishing of the topological deflection. Finally, we unbalanced the SAF by asymmetrizing the skyrmions in each layer in different ways in order to verify the condition for vanishing deflection.The results obtained highlight the qualitative benefits of SAF skyrmions and propose some methods for more quantitative optimizations. **

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