
Soil fumigants are characterized by high vapor pressures and low boiling points, which determine that the commonly used solvent extraction-based methods are not suitable for sample preparation. The paper reports static headspace gas chromatography (GC) methods for the analysis of the fumigants 1,3-dichloropropene (1,3-D) and methyl isothiocyanate (MITC) in soil and water. Method optimization was achieved by modifying the sample matrix with concentrated salt solution and adjusting sample equilibration temperature and time on the headspace autosampler. The headspace GC methods showed1 order of magnitude greater GC response than a cold solvent extraction method under the same GC conditions and also gave cleaner chromatograms and more stable baselines. When applied to soil samples taken from a fumigated field, the headspacee GC method showed reproducibility similar to that of a solvent extraction method but had an improved detectability for deep-layer samples that contained low levels of 1,3-D.

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