
The paper presents an analysis of the existing system of state support for rural social infrastructure for the first time. To address this goal the author studied the state information resources and data base of research of the models of state support for the sustainable development of rural areas. The researcher reveals the limitations of research on this subject (the analysis of Web of science, Scopus, Science Direct, Springer Link, Agris, Russian research data base), formulates the descriptive models of various countries in Europe and North America, and groups them into two basic systems. The tests revealed the main factors of the system of public funding of social infrastructure projects. In general financing the algorithms of support for rural social infrastructure were brought to light, the basis of which is made up by two main groups of countries: those with a support system for large rural settlements, selected on the principle of “driving member” and the countries with a system of grant and loan support for rural communities based on projects and local initiatives. The list of systems is not closed, because the study does not affect the countries of Asia, South America, Africa and Australia, which have their own distinctive features. The limitations in a single database of comparable statistical data about the objects of social and engineering infrastructure in rural areas do not allow to assess the effectiveness of investments. The author comes to the conclusion that single common methodology and standards for the evaluation of all forms of efficiency (economic, social, demographic and environmental) the use of state and interstate programs of support of social and infrastructural projects in rural areas, including a preliminary assessment of the needs in social and engineering facilities are necessary.

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