
The article deals with burning issues of legal regulation and methodological provision for the academic subjects “Life Safety” and “Civil Protection” at Higher Educational Institutions at present time. It is suggested that the safety education standards have to build the basis for legislation of safety education. These standards are to be developed and put into operation under the Articles 39 and 41 of Civil Protection Code of Ukraine, Clauses 20 and 23 of Order of the Cabinet of Ministers “About approval of the procedure for training the population to act in emergencies”, Ukrainian Act “On Higher Education”. According to these legal acts, the main tasks have been defined which are stated in the “Regulation on functional subsystem of preschool children, pupils and students training to respond to emergencies (on life safety issues) of the National Integrated System of Civil Protection”, and safety education standards in relation to academic subjects “Life Safety” and “Civil Protection” were developed.
 October, 20, 2010, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Emergency together with the State Service of Mountain Supervision and Industrial Safety of Ukraine represented the corporate Legal Act “On organization and improvement of education in occupational safety, life safety and civil protection at Higher Educational Institutions of Ukraine”. Clause 1 of the Legal Act states that normative subjects “Life Safety”, “Occupational Safety” and “Civil Protection” are studied by all students, cadets and learners of Higher Educational Institutions.
 Order of the Cabinet of Ministers № 590 dated 30.05.2014, withdrew the mentioned above legal act which, in fact, resulted in suspending the fourth typical program on Life Safety. Educational community of Ukraine was left without the documents of the Ministry of Education and Science which regulate the teaching of subjects on general and special safety issues at Higher Educational Institutions, such as “Life Safety”, “Occupational Safety”, and “Civil Protection”.
 This approach to teaching students build the ground for creating future leaders and specialists of the national economy with low level of knowledge on occupational safety, industrial, fire and natural safety. There has been imbalance in a structure and a number of higher education specialists’ training considering the person’s needs, interests of the country, local societies and employers, especially in obtaining knowledge in the fields of life safety, occupational safety, and civil protection.
 This paper analyses the findings of the Ukrainian researchers P. Volianskyi, S. Osypenko, O. Zaporozhets, S. Poteriaiko, О. Barylo, E. Lytvynovskyi, V. Grechaninova, V. Shamshur, V. Mykhailov and others. These works investigate the issues of legal regulation and methodological provision for training the population in the field of civil protection and life safety.
 Taking into account the considerations above, the purpose of this paper is to substantiate the need to restart the compulsory subjects “Life Safety” and “Civil Protection” for junior specialists, bachelor’s and master’s students, and, at the same time, the introduction of modern forms, methods and content of training that meet the requirements of safety management.

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