
The article analyzes the effectiveness of state, private, and public institutions' interaction in the organization of investment activities management of a higher education institution. The organizational forms of state, private, and public institutions interaction with a higher education institution for the organization of investment activities management are considered, which include charitable contributions, grants, public-private partnerships, crowdfunding, international humanitarian aid, participatory budgeting, fundraising, etc. The main principles of the organization for managing the investment processes of the educational institution and the interaction of its subjects are established. They are the following: dynamism, efficiency, integration, perspective, planning, realism, and self-governance. It is emphasized that state, private, and public institutions' interaction in the organization of investment activities management of a higher education institution is based on the ideas of «public-private partnership» and «public-public management». As a result of the research, it has been determined that the interaction of the higher education institution with various social groups to organize investment activities management allows them to engage in project activities, attract additional resources, modernize the university infrastructure, obtain new opportunities for academic mobility, increase the level of educational services quality, strengthen scientific activity, promote further employment of graduates and to cooperate with various stakeholders to manage the educational institution in general or a separate area of it.

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