
One of the least studied monogeneses doses, for today, there is diplopic zoonosis of carp. Previously, it was believed that there is only one fish parasitize bothrium – Diplozoon paradoxum. However, in recent years it has been discovered and described already more than 10 species of pathogens of diplozoons, in particular Eudiplozoon nipponicum. Outbreaks of this disease are increasingly beginning to be recorded in fish ponds farms of the western region of Ukraine. Moreover, more often than in others in the amount of this parasite occurs in young fish. In view of the above, the purpose of our research was to investigate the degree of infestation of the same year scaly carp with the mentioned ectoparasite and study the changes that occur in morphological and biochemical composition of blood, intensity of peroxide processes, as well as the state of antioxidant and immune systems in invasive fish. The research was carried out in the garden and fish farms of the State Enterprise “Rybhosp"Galitskyi” (renamed LLC “Rybgosp “Burshtynskyi”) Ivano-Frankivsk region and FG “Dobrotvir fish factory” of Lviv region with the same year scaly carp. Two experiments were selected for the experiment groups of the same yaer of scaly carp (control – non-invasive fish and experimental – invasive with Eudiplozoon nipponicum) in 6 specimens of fish in each group of weights bodies 45–47 g. In experimental fish they were studied their infestation with ectoparasites, as well hematological parameters, protein content of the blood, peroxide intensity processes, the state of antioxidant and immune systems of non-invasive and invasive specimens. During the parasitological examination of both experimental fish farms was detected infestation in scaly carp caused by ectoparasites Epidipalous nipponicum. In May there was a pick of infected the same year scaly carps (2.87 and 3.10 eggs/fish). Infected fish, compared to non-invasive fish, there were significant changes in hematological parameters. In particular, in the blood of parasites affected by fish the number of erythrocytes decreased (P < 0.001), the hemoglobin content (P < 0.001) and hematocrit and increased number of leucocyte (P < 0.001).The infected scaly carp the above-mentioned parasite pressed by the protein-synthesizing function of the organism, as indicated a high (P < 0.001) reduction in total protein, albumin and α-globulins in the blood serum, there is a depression in them humoral links of non-specific resistance and antioxidant system activity protection, and the content of products of peroxide oxidation of lipids in their hepatopancreas significantly increases.


  • State of the organism of the same year scaly carp infected by Eudiplozoon nipponicum

  • In view of the above, the purpose of our research was to investigate the degree of infestation of the same year scaly carp with the mentioned ectoparasite and study the changes that occur in morphological and biochemical composition of blood, intensity of peroxide processes, as well as the state of antioxidant and immune systems in invasive fish

  • Two experiments were selected for the experiment groups of the same yaer of scaly carp in 6 specimens of fish in each group of weights bodies 45–47 g

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Article info

State of the organism of the same year scaly carp infected by Eudiplozoon nipponicum. In view of the above, the purpose of our research was to investigate the degree of infestation of the same year scaly carp with the mentioned ectoparasite and study the changes that occur in morphological and biochemical composition of blood, intensity of peroxide processes, as well as the state of antioxidant and immune systems in invasive fish. Two experiments were selected for the experiment groups of the same yaer of scaly carp (control – non-invasive fish and experimental – invasive with Eudiplozoon nipponicum) in 6 specimens of fish in each group of weights bodies 45–47 g In experimental fish they were studied their infestation with ectoparasites, as well hematological parameters, protein content of the blood, peroxide intensity processes, the state of antioxidant and immune systems of non-invasive and invasive specimens. З огляду на зазначене, метою наших досліджень було вивчити ступінь ураженості однорічок коропа лускатого вищенаведеним ектопаразитом та вивчити зміни, які відбуваються у морфологічному та біохімічному складі крові, інтенсивності пероксидних процесів, а також стан антиоксидантної та імунної систем у інвазованої риби

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Результати та їх обговорення
Eudiplozoon nipponicum
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