
Features of the development of cognitive functions in children 5-6 years of age with iron deficiency (ID) were studied and the relationship of the revealed features of iron deficiency degree was established. After clinical and laboratory examination 205 children aged 5-6 years, pupils of pre-school institutions were included in the study. The core group consisted of 155 children, including 105 children with latent iron deficiency (LID) and 50 children with iron deficiency anemia (IDA) I degree. The control group consisted of 50 healthy children. To study cognitive function, Approximate comprehensive program of study of children's readiness for school was used. A significant decrease of average data of all mental functions (perception, memory, language, thinking, ima­gination) in children 5-6 years old with ID, most pronounced in children with IDA was revealed. Indicators of cognitive functions correspond predominantly to a mild and moderate level of development in children with IDA, the average - in children with LID, good and high - in healthy children. There was a significant direct correlation between the level of cognitive functioning and the level of hemoglobin, serum iron and ferritin. The effect of iron deficiency on the development of indicators of cognitive function toward their reduce in preschool children was established. The level of cognitive functioning depends on the degree of iron deficiency.


  • Ɇɟɡɜɚɠɚɸɱɢ ɧɚ ɬɟ, ɳɨ ɡɚɥɿɡɨ ɡɚɣɦɚɽ ɱɟɬɜɟɪɬɟ ɦɿɫɰɟ ɫɟɪɟɞ ɧɚɣɛɿɥɶɲ ɪɨɡɩɨɜɫɸɞɠɟɧɢɯ ɦɿɤɪɨɟɥɟɦɟɧɬɿɜ ɧɚ Ɂɟɦɥɿ, ɩɚɬɨɥɨɝɿɱɧɿ ɫɬɚɧɢ, ɩɨɜ'ɹɡɚɧɿ ɡ ɞɟɮɿɰɢɬɨɦ ɡɚɥɿɡɚ, ɡɚɥɢɲɚɸɬɶɫɹ ɞɨɜɨɥɿ ɩɨɲɢɪɟɧɨɸ ɜɚɠɥɢɜɨɸ ɦɟɞɢɤɨ-ɫɨɰɿɚɥɶɧɨɸ ɩɪɨɛɥɟɦɨɸ ɞɥɹ ɛɿɥɶɲɨɫɬɿ ɤɪɚʀɧ ɫɜɿɬɭ [1, 2, 6, 8, 9]. ȼɢɤɥɢɤɚɽ ɬɪɢɜɨɝɭ ɬɨɣ ɮɚɤɬ, ɳɨ ɜɫɟ ɛɿɥɶɲɟ ɞɨɫɥɿɞɠɟɧɶ ɩɿɞɬɜɟɪɞɠɭɸɬɶ ɧɟɫɩɪɢɹɬɥɢɜɭ ɞɿɸ ɞɟɮɿɰɢɬɭ ɡɚɥɿɡɚ (ȾɁ) ɳɟ ɧɚ ɪɚɧɧɿɯ ɟɬɚɩɚɯ ɪɨɡɜɢɬɤɭ, ɞɨ ɦɚɧɿɮɟɫɬɚɰɿʀ ɡɚɥɿɡɨɞɟɮɿɰɢɬɧɨʀ ɚɧɟɦɿʀ (ɁȾȺ), ɚ ɧɟɝɚɬɢɜɧɿ ɧɚɫɥɿɞɤɢ ɞɨɫɢɬɶ ɬɪɢɜɚɥɿ ɬɚ ɫɬɿɣɤɿ [1, 2, 8, 9]. ȼ ɍɤɪɚʀɧɿ ɞɨɜɨɥɿ ɱɚɫɬɨ ɜ ɥɿɤɚɪɫɶɤɿɣ ɩɪɚɤɬɢɰɿ ɦɚɽ ɦɿɫɰɟ ɝɿɩɨɞɿɚɝɧɨɫɬɢɤɚ ɚɧɟɦɿɣ, ɚ ɥɚɬɟɧɬɧɢɣ ɞɟɮɿɰɢɬ ɡɚɥɿɡɚ (ɅȾɁ) ɧɟ ɞɿɚɝɧɨɫɬɭɽɬɶɫɹ ɡɨɜɫɿɦ [1, 2]

  • pupils of pre-school institutions were included in the study

  • The core group consisted of 155 children

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Ɇɟɡɜɚɠɚɸɱɢ ɧɚ ɬɟ, ɳɨ ɡɚɥɿɡɨ ɡɚɣɦɚɽ ɱɟɬɜɟɪɬɟ ɦɿɫɰɟ ɫɟɪɟɞ ɧɚɣɛɿɥɶɲ ɪɨɡɩɨɜɫɸɞɠɟɧɢɯ ɦɿɤɪɨɟɥɟɦɟɧɬɿɜ ɧɚ Ɂɟɦɥɿ, ɩɚɬɨɥɨɝɿɱɧɿ ɫɬɚɧɢ, ɩɨɜ'ɹɡɚɧɿ ɡ ɞɟɮɿɰɢɬɨɦ ɡɚɥɿɡɚ, ɡɚɥɢɲɚɸɬɶɫɹ ɞɨɜɨɥɿ ɩɨɲɢɪɟɧɨɸ ɜɚɠɥɢɜɨɸ ɦɟɞɢɤɨ-ɫɨɰɿɚɥɶɧɨɸ ɩɪɨɛɥɟɦɨɸ ɞɥɹ ɛɿɥɶɲɨɫɬɿ ɤɪɚʀɧ ɫɜɿɬɭ [1, 2, 6, 8, 9]. ȼɢɤɥɢɤɚɽ ɬɪɢɜɨɝɭ ɬɨɣ ɮɚɤɬ, ɳɨ ɜɫɟ ɛɿɥɶɲɟ ɞɨɫɥɿɞɠɟɧɶ ɩɿɞɬɜɟɪɞɠɭɸɬɶ ɧɟɫɩɪɢɹɬɥɢɜɭ ɞɿɸ ɞɟɮɿɰɢɬɭ ɡɚɥɿɡɚ (ȾɁ) ɳɟ ɧɚ ɪɚɧɧɿɯ ɟɬɚɩɚɯ ɪɨɡɜɢɬɤɭ, ɞɨ ɦɚɧɿɮɟɫɬɚɰɿʀ ɡɚɥɿɡɨɞɟɮɿɰɢɬɧɨʀ ɚɧɟɦɿʀ (ɁȾȺ), ɚ ɧɟɝɚɬɢɜɧɿ ɧɚɫɥɿɞɤɢ ɞɨɫɢɬɶ ɬɪɢɜɚɥɿ ɬɚ ɫɬɿɣɤɿ [1, 2, 8, 9]. ȼ ɍɤɪɚʀɧɿ ɞɨɜɨɥɿ ɱɚɫɬɨ ɜ ɥɿɤɚɪɫɶɤɿɣ ɩɪɚɤɬɢɰɿ ɦɚɽ ɦɿɫɰɟ ɝɿɩɨɞɿɚɝɧɨɫɬɢɤɚ ɚɧɟɦɿɣ, ɚ ɥɚɬɟɧɬɧɢɣ ɞɟɮɿɰɢɬ ɡɚɥɿɡɚ (ɅȾɁ) ɧɟ ɞɿɚɝɧɨɫɬɭɽɬɶɫɹ ɡɨɜɫɿɦ [1, 2]. Ⱦɨɫɥɿɞɠɭɜɚɥɢɫɹ ɬɚɤɿ ɩɨɤɚɡɧɢɤɢ: ɡɨɪɨɜɟ ɬɚ ɫɥɭɯɨɜɟ ɫɩɪɢɣɧɹɬɬɹ; ɡɨɪɨɜɚ, ɤɨɪɨɬɤɨɱɚɫɧɚ ɫɥɭɯɨɜɚ, ɞɨɜɿɥɶɧɨɨɛɪɚɡɧɚ ɩɚɦ'ɹɬɶ; ɭɜɚɝɚ; ɧɚɨɱɧɨ-ɞɿɸɱɟ, ɧɚɨɱɧɨɨɛɪɚɡɧɟ, ɫɥɨɜɟɫɧɨ-ɥɨɝɿɱɧɟ ɦɢɫɥɟɧɧɹ; ɭɹɜɚ; ɪɨɡɜɢɬɨɤ ɦɨɜɢ (ɡɜɭɤɨɜɢɣ ɚɧɚɥɿɡ ɫɥɿɜ, ɫɥɨɜɧɢɤɨɜɢɣ ɡɚɩɚɫ, ɡɜ'ɹɡɧɟ ɦɨɜɥɟɧɧɹ). Ⱦɿɬɢ ɡ ɅȾɁ, ɧɚ ɜɿɞɦɿɧɭ ɜɿɞ ɡɞɨɪɨɜɢɯ ɞɿɬɟɣ, ɦɚɥɢ ɡɧɢɠɟɧɧɹ ɩɨɤɚɡɧɢɤɿɜ ɫɥɨɜɧɢɤɨɜɨɝɨ ɡɚɩɚɫɭ ɧɚ ɪɿɜɧɿ ɫɬɚɬɢɫɬɢɱɧɢɯ ɬɟɧɞɟɧɰɿɣ; ɜɫɿ ɿɧɲɿ ɩɨɤɚɡɧɢɤɢ (ɫɩɪɢɣɧɹɬɬɹ, ɩɚɦ'ɹɬɶ, ɡɜɭɤɨɜɢɣ ɚɧɚɥɿɡ ɫɥɿɜ ɿ ɡɜ'ɹɡɧɟ ɦɨɜɥɟɧɧɹ, ɦɢɫɥɟɧɧɹ, ɭɹɜɚ) ɛɭɥɢ ɞɨɫɬɨɜɿɪɧɨ ɧɢɠɱɢɦɢ ɧɚ 1-4 ɛɚɥɢ.

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