
The prevalence of cigarette smoking among U.S. adults enrolled in Medicaid is higher than among adults with private insurance; more than one in five adults enrolled in Medicaid smokes cigarettes. Smoking cessation reduces the risk for smoking-related disease and death. Effective treatments for smoking cessation are available, and comprehensive, barrier-free insurance coverage of these treatments can increase cessation. However, Medicaid treatment coverage and treatment access barriers vary by state. The American Lung Association collected and analyzed state-level information regarding coverage for nine tobacco cessation treatments and seven access barriers for standard Medicaid enrollees. As of December 31, 2022, a total of 20 state Medicaid programs provided comprehensive coverage (all nine treatments), an increase from 15 as of December 31, 2018. Only three states had zero access barriers, an increase from two; all three also had comprehensive coverage. Although states continue to improve smoking cessation treatment coverage and decrease access barriers for standard Medicaid enrollees, coverage gaps and access barriers remain in many states. State Medicaid programs can improve the health of enrollees who smoke and potentially reduce health care expenditures by providing barrier-free coverage of all evidence-based cessation treatments and by promoting this coverage to enrollees and providers.

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