
Aim. To study the L-carnitine and L-glutathione influence on the clinical course of chronic pancreatitis (CP) in patients with obesity. Materials and methods. Three representative groups of patients were formed to determine the effectiveness of treatment. The average age of patients was (41.7±4.2) years. The common control group included 30 practically healthy persons (PHP) of the corresponding age and gender. The control group (group 1 (K), 25 persons), the basic group 2 (group 2 (A), 30 persons), the basic group 3 (group 3 (B) 25 persons). Results. After applying the proposed therapy in CP patients (group b) in the course of the disease compared with the group K showed an improvement of health, reduction of asthenic-vegetative, intoxication, and dyspepsia syndromes signs. After 2 weeks of therapy asthenic-vegetative syndrome was absent. Analysis of indicators in 3 months after treatment indicated that patients of the 2nd and the 3rd were achieved stable remission of CP, as no patient visited doctors for medical aid again. But, in 3 months after treatment 2 patients of the K group (10%) were admitted again, 5 patients (25%) sought medical help repeatedly concerning exacerbation of CP symptoms to the gastroenterologists. The result of the complex therapy with L-glutathione and L-carnitine addition positive effect on the IR syndrome is defined in our study a significant decrease of body mass index in patients of the 2nd and the 3rd groups during a 60 days period respectively: 7.5% and 8.1% (p<0.05). Conclusions. A specific method of patients’ treatment with CP on the background of obesity, which includes basic therapy together with the using of L-glutathione and L-carnitine combination, helps to eliminate clinical and biochemical signs of chronic pancreatitis exacerbation, to reduce the degree of endogenous intoxication, oxidative and nitro-oxidative stress, to normalize steadily the glycemic and insulin level, to reduce body weight.


  • Стан інсулінорезистентності, інтенсивність ендогенної інтоксикації у хворих на хронічний панкреатит на тлі ожиріння в динаміці лікування L-карнітином і L-глутатіоном

  • Розроблений спосіб лікування хворих на ХП на тлі ожиріння, в якому разом із базисною терапією використовується L-глутатіон у комбінації із L-карнітином, дає змогу усунути клінічні та біохімічні ознаки загострення хронічного панкреатиту, знизити ступінь ендогенної інтоксикації, оксидативного та нітрозитивного стресу, стабільно нормалізувати рівень глікемії та інсулінемії, сприяти зниженню маси тіла

  • After applying the proposed therapy in chronic pancreatitis (CP) patients in the course of the disease compared with the group K showed an improvement of health, reduction of asthenic-vegetative, intoxication, and dyspepsia syndromes signs

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Materials and methods

Three representative groups of patients were formed to determine the effectiveness of treatment. The average age of patients was (41.7±4.2) years. The common control group included 30 practically healthy persons (PHP) of the corresponding age and gender. The control group (group 1 (K), 25 persons), the basic group 2 (group 2 (A), 30 persons), the basic group 3 (group 3 (B) 25 persons)

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