
The purpose of the work is to substantiate the necessity for applying state audit for achieving high effectiveness of budge policy of economic systems by the example of modern Russia. The authors develop a methodology of evaluation of budget policy effectiveness and use it by the example of modern Russia. The authors show that budget policy of modern Russia is not effective, and systemic state audit is required for its increase. The authors determine the main reasons for low effectiveness of the budget policy in modern Russia and view the process of increase of budget policy effectiveness with the help of state audit. As a result of research it is concluded that low effectiveness of budget policy in modern Russia is caused by lack of control and independence of public authorities’ bodies that conduct the development and implementation of the budget policy. Solving this problem requires introduction of state audit of the budget policy. It should be noted that state audit leads to the interest of the public authorities that conduct its development and implementation of the budget policy in achieving its high effectiveness. That’s why state audit is an inseparable condition of effectiveness of the budget policy.

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