
SUMMARY Our understanding of the geodynamo has recently progressed thanks to geomagnetic data of improved quality, and analyses resting on numerical simulations of increasing realism. Here, these two advances are combined in order to diagnose the state and present dynamics of Earth’s core in physically realistic conditions. A sequential, ensemble-based framework assimilates the output of geomagnetic field models covering the past 180 yr into a numerical geodynamo simulation, the physical realism of which is also advanced as data is assimilated. The internal dynamical structure estimated for the geodynamo at present reproduces previously widely documented features such as a planetary-scale, eccentric westwards gyre and localization of buoyancy release beneath the Eastern (0°E−180°E) hemisphere. Relating the typical magnetic variation timescale of the assimilated states to the power at which they operate, the present convective power of the geodynamo is estimated at 2.95 ± 0.2 TW, corresponding to an adiabatic heat flow out of the core of 14.8 ± 1 TW if the top of the core is convectively neutrally stratified at present. For the first time, morphologically and dynamically relevant trajectories are obtained by integrating the estimated states forward for a few decades of physical time using a model reaching the physical conditions of Earth’s core. Such simulations accurately account for the spatio-temporal content of high-resolution satellite geomagnetic field models and confirm earlier interpretations in terms of rapid core dynamics. The enforcement of a realistic force balance approaching a Taylor state allows for propagation of weak (velocity perturbation of about 0.6 $\mathrm{km\,yr^{-1}}$) axisymmetric torsional waves with period about 5 yr, supported by a magnetic field of root-mean-squared amplitude of 5.6 mT inside the core. Quasi-geostrophic magneto-Coriolis waves of interannual periods and significantly stronger velocity perturbation (about $7 \mathrm{km\,yr^{-1}}$) are also reproduced, with properties that converge towards those recently retrieved from the analysis of geomagnetic variations before fully achieving Earth’s core conditions. The power spectral density of magnetic variations falls off rapidly at frequencies exceeding the inverse Alfvén time (about $0.6\mathrm{yr^{-1}}$), which indicates that the excitation of hydromagnetic waves occurs preferentially at large spatial scales. The possibility to account for geomagnetic variations from years to centuries in physically realistic models opens the perspective of better constraining properties of the deep Earth through geomagnetic data assimilation.

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