
The influence of family, school and peers on students' emotional social development is very important as a starting point for the design of school activities that will also improve student development in an integral way. The Star of the Week program was developed with the aim of helping students apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills needed to socialize and understand and manage emotions. This study uses the Thiagarajan model stages, namely define, design, develop, and disseminate (4D). The results of the validity test from the experts show that this program has workable value with 91.1% material aspects, 90% emotional development aspects and 92% presentation aspects. For the practicality test results through teacher questionnaires obtained scores of 90%, and 88.67% through teacher observations of children who are in the high practical category. The results of the program effectiveness test showed a value of 89.08% on children's social-emotional development, because it showed an increase in values ​​before and after the intervention. The implication of further research is that it is hoped that various kinds of learning methods will develop aspects of child development based on cooperation and peer relationships.
  Keywords: Early Childhood, Peer Relationships, Star of the Week Program, Social Emotional
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  • Children today are socially unstable, and this creates emotional and achievement problems at school

  • This study aims to develop an intervention program based on peer relationships in developing children's social emotional

  • Observations were made by the researcher who acted as an observer in this study, and by the teacher to assess the stages of development that were expected to appear when and after the application of the Star of the Week Program

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Children today are socially unstable, and this creates emotional and achievement problems at school. Most of today's children's best friends are digital toys and TV and watching animated videos and playing video games are their favorite shows to pass the time. In the future, extended device usage time could result in little or no contact with adults and peers (Alwaely et al, 2020). The child's inability to behave as expected by their social environment, has an impact on the exclusion of children from their group. Vice versa, Shearer et al, (2010) obtained research results, which showed that children who had behavioral problems in class simultaneously showed problems with peer social relations. Rejected children are prone to feelings of loneliness, which will impact on their social-emotional development (Asher & Parker, 1989)

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