
The morbidity of newborn calves caused by enterotoxigenic staphylococci is associated with an increase in staphylococcal processes that are localized in the lizard of the cows and the carrier of the pathogen. Such cows, often with colostrum, transmit the pathogen and its toxins to newborn calves. According to the results of bacteriological studies, in the subclinical form of the mastitis with secretion of the dementia of the cows, Staph. aureus, staph. intermedius, staph. epidermidis, E. coli, Ps. auruginosa, etc., in pure culture, but in most cases, in association with other microorganisms. Staphylococcuses isolated in 25 strains were tested for enterotoxicity. From the strains examined, they produced: three strains of enterotoxin B and five strains enterotoxins B and C. The disease of the cows by staphylococcal infection of the udder influenced the fetal development of the fetus. From cows suffering from mastitis, calves were born weak and 1–2.5 kg live weight lower than from healthy cows. Calves (16 heads) who received colostrum from mothers with staphylococcal infection of the udder in association with other microorganisms, in fourteen cases were ill with signs of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Among calves born from cows suffering from mastitis, but who received colostrum from healthy cows, two of them fell from ten heads. In calves of both groups, the activity of cellular elements was determined by opsonophagocytic response. In the experimental group, where the calves received colostrum, were infected with staphylococci, the intensity of phagocytosis in all study periods was lower (from 0.4 to 1.9) compared with the control group calves. Quality of colostrum of cows also affected the activity of phagocytosis prplodu. In the experimental group, the activity of phagocytosis was throughout the experiment at one level – 33, and in calves that received colostrum from healthy cows, activity increased (after one day – 37, and for the second and third day – 40). Studies have shown that colostrum infected with enterotoxigenic staphylococci, especially in association, is dangerous for newborn calves. It causes them diarrhea and often leads to death. We have confirmed the etiological connection between cows disease with mastitis of staphylococcal etiology and enterocolitis of newborn calves.


  • The morbidity of newborn calves caused by enterotoxigenic staphylococci is associated with an increase in staphylococcal processes that are localized in the lizard of the cows and the carrier of the pathogen

  • From cows suffering from mastitis, calves were born weak and 1–2.5 kg live weight lower than from healthy cows

  • Calves (16 heads) who received colostrum from mothers with staphylococcal infection of the udder in association with other microorganisms, in fourteen cases were ill with signs of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract

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Захворювання новонароджених телят, що викликаються ентеротоксигенними стафілококами, пов’язані зі збільшенням стафілококових процесів, які локалізовані у вимені корів, і носійством збудника. Які народилися від корів, хворих на мастит, але які отримували молозиво від здорових корів, із десяти голів захворіло двоє. Нами підтверджений етіологічний зв’язок між захворюванням корів на мастит стафілококової етіології і ентероколітами новонароджених телят. Підвищення показників захворюваності новонароджених телят, які викликаються ентеротоксигенними стафілококами, пов’язано зі збільшенням стафілококових процесів, які локалізовані у вимені корів, і носійством збудника. Існує шість типів стафілококових ентеротоксинів – А, В, С, Д, Е, але найбільш розповсюдженими є ентеротоксини типів А, В, С, які відіграють роль в етіології ентеротоксикозів у телят (Ivchenko, 1988; Litvin et al, 1992; Berezovskyi, 2013)

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